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Vasarely, un artiste méconnu

Evening conference at the ULB
When Nov 21, 2013
from 08:00 PM to 09:00 PM
Where Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Attendees Serge Lemoine
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Vasarely, un artiste méconnu by Serge Lemoine, curator of the exposition VASARELY. Hommage at the Museum of Ixelles - and previously curator of the wonderful exposition DYNAMO. Un siècle de lumière et de mouvement dans l'art 1913-2013, at the Grand Palais de Paris (10.04 > 22.07.2013)- Serge Lemoine retraces Victor Vasarely's career and highlights the significant contribution made by this master of the Op Art in the twentieth century.
The lecture, jointly organised by the Museum of Ixelles and the ULB,  will take place at the Université libre de Bruxelles at the auditorium AZ.1.101 (arrows will placed starting from the Library of Human Sciences, avenue Paul Heger).
Free entry. Booking is not necessary.
This activity will be in French.

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